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Que es Instabotz y como funciona? Naka Games

Cambia la Vista de tu blog sin escribir /view/

Recuerdan el post donde Blogger nos da la noticia de que podemos ver diferentes templates o Vistas de nuestro blog con tan solo agregar (ejemplo) Pues ahora ya no es necesario que lo escribas, solo crea un nuevo artilugio (widget) html javascript desde la pestaña diseño y agrega este código: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function openDir( form ) { var newIndex = form.blogviewselect.selectedIndex; if ( newIndex == 0 ) { alert( "Please select a view" ); } else { cururl = form.blogviewselect.options[ newIndex ].value; window.location.assign( cururl ); } } </script> <form name="blogview"> <select name="blogviewselect" size="1" onchange="openDir( this.form )"> <option />Change Blog View <option value="" />Flipcard

Transforma tu imagen a Legos!

Para poder usar esta herramienta es bien sencillo, solo debes de proporcionar el link o

FAQ about Time Travel

Alguna vez han pensado que al salir del baño de un Bar viajarian por el tiempo para ver el futuro, y que no seria muy agradable para ustedes?

Gothic 3 forsaken gods Expansion coming soon!

JoWood Productions  has announced  Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods , an add-on to the award-winning 2006 fantasy RPG Gothic 3 , and they're seeking input from fans on its development. Promising to answer many questions from the original game as well as provide a seamless step to  Gothic 4 ,  Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods  will once again put players in the role of the anonymous hero who takes steel in hand to save the world of Gothic. Many old friends will be met along the journey, but JoWood warns that "some old alliances may not have lasted the test of time..." An unusual feature of the expansion will be the importance of feedback from fans about what it should include. The designer and development team are watching the  Gothic  forums  daily for player comments, and as many of the fanbase wishes as possible will be incorporated into the expansion. Gothic 3  launched in late 2006 and was given high review scores by most gaming sites, although it faced some criticism over the large

How to make a Transparent Screen

How to make Transparent Screens Inspired by this flickr album ,I determined to take a similar photo for my laptop.I did,see Ooop,this transparent screen is not very successful compared to others,because of the sunshine and my reflection.However,as I'm not a professional photographer and the time is limited and my laptop is not produced by Apple (Mac is a better choice),I think this picture can be tolerated. How to make it? Trust me,it's very easy to make your own Transparent Screen. in my case,it requires only three things:A laptop(or PC or Mac or anything that with a screen),a digital camera and patience. First,find a certain place you stand (or sit),take the first photo of the background without the laptop. Then,import the photo to your image edit software and cut the area you need,set the edited photo as your wallpaper. After that,stand (or sit) where you just took the first photo,and choose right direction and distance to shoot photos that looks like

make Firefox look and work like Google Chrome

Recently a lot of people including myself wanted to switch to chrome due to the beautiful interface, yet Firefox is way better with its superb extensions and added functionality. Therefore if you are a person who only likes Chrome for its outside beauty and would want the functionality and heart of Firefox well here is a cosmetic customization article for Firefox. Install Chromifox Firefox theme - This is a Chrome theme for Firefox (the best that is out there), First install this. Uninstall any extensions that change the visual appearance mainly a plugin called Glasser . NEW! Install Total Rechrome for a Full Chrome Appearance Change on your firefox Browser Install Hide Menubar to hide the Firefox menubar. best features to Firefox. Stealther Turns On Incognito Browsing Chrome's Incognito browsing allows you to shop for your significant other look at porn without keeping any history of that browsing session anywhere on your computer. In Firefox, the Stealther extension

Google Chrome and Hotmail

Google Chrome and Hotmail 09-02-2008 Originally uploaded by ozl Here is a Screen i took today (spanish) Google Chrome doesnt work with Google's best friend: HOTMAIL lol who cares! i dont even use my hotmail or live email, just for msn messenger at home and i use Palringo on my iPhone... The only thing i DIDNT LIKE about Google   CHROME is that it doesnt have a built in Search box! where is it? all other web browsers have one... Good day people! BTW im using Vista SP1 with a Theme called Glassglow Bueno, he estado probando el Nuevo Google Chrome , que se siente ligero y compacto, aunque no abre el Hotmail no me importa, pues lo uso solo en el messeenger en mi escritorio, porque cuando ando fuera de casa uso palringo para chatear desde mi iphone, lo unico que NO ME GUSTO del CHROME es que NO tiene un BUSCADOR a un lado, asi como todos los demas navegadores, porque no se lo pusieron? Por cierto, estoy usando Vista SP1 con un tema llamado Glassglow Saludos gente...

Google Chrome is here

Google's growing supremacy in several areas of the web, in the advertising market, and in online applications, has already sparked debates about whether Google, originally a search engine specialist, is becoming a monster and whether it is still complying with its company motto ("Don't be evil"). Some researchers have previously expressed the view that Google needs to be broken up ( PDF, Google Dangers Report from Graz University 2007 ). Tuesday's release of  Google's new browser , Chrome, has not only fuelled a new dispute about whose web browser is the best but has also triggered discussions about Google's plans and its dominant position. Chrome is seen as not just an attack on Microsoft's leading position on the browser market, though some observers, like Kara Swisher in her  web log , and the  San Jose Mercury News , are going so far as to speak of a new "browser war". Google could also be aiming at Microsoft's dominance on the mar

Cuil is not so Cool

Algorithms are funny. Build a great one, as Motley Fool Rule Breakers stock recommendations Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and Akamai Technologies (Nasdaq: AKAM) have, and billions of dollars usually follow. Build a poor one, and ... well, there's always cocktail-party stories of how you once worked on the Next Big Thing (NBT). With all the press Cuil (pronounced "Cool") is getting, you'd think the upstart search engine is already the Next Big Thing; a digital property so hot that Wired's editors must be salivating. Well, they shouldn't be. A comedy of digital errors "I thought the layout for was innovative. The search results, however, were inferior enough in my 10 minutes of play with it that I'll have to be somehow convinced to ever return again," wrote co-founder and Chief Rule Breaker David Gardner yesterday, in a comment on another CAPS player's blog. "I tried 'rule breakers' on both, and the difference in terms of

How to make your links tweak in blogger

how to make your links tweak (jump) in blogger. Its same like making images tweak. Just editing a hover code and we are done. First, go to your Edit HTML section of your Layout and search for the following code: a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } Now replace the code with the code given below: a:hover { position: relative; bottom: 5px; left: 1px; color:#000000; } Now save the template and look at your page, the links tweaked man. You can change the color of your link to your desired color when it tweaks. Also you can set your own parameters for your tweaking image by editing top and left pixels. If you got any problems the just leave the comment and i will catch you.

Thundercats Wallpaper

Thundercats Reflective by Ozl by ~ ozl on deviant ART Well ive been playing with Photoshop CS3 and well i finally managed to get this reflection thing going, i hope you like it! Ozl


MARACANAZO! - Watch more free videos NI YO ME LO IMAGINABA CON ESTO DEL FUTBOL DE MEXICO! La noche que querrán olvidar Los diarios cariocas no tuvieron piedad del Flamengo, tras su sorpresiva eliminación de la Copa Libertadores ante América: "La mayor vergüenza de su historia", dijeron EFE Actualizado: 8 de mayo de 2008, 2:58 PM ET RIO DE JANEIRO -- La victoria por 3-0 que el América mexicano consiguió el miércoles en pleno estadio Maracaná de Río de Janeiro representó la mayor vergüenza ya sufrida por el Flamengo brasileño en toda su historia, afirmó el jueves la prensa carioca. EFE Santana tuvo la peor despedida del Flamengo El club más popular de Brasil, que había vencido el partido de ida por 2-4 en México y podía perder por 0-2 en casa, terminó eliminado de la Copa Libertadores en un partido en el que era máximo favorito y al que llegó apenas tres días después de haber conquistado el título del campeonato regional de Río de Janeiro. La humi

My Mini city needs Industry!

Please help me get my city bigger by clicking here And the Industry in my city needs workers please click here Thank you CREATE YOUR OWN CITY! Favor de darme click aqui para que crezca mi ciudad Haz que crezca la industria en mi ciudad dando click aqui CREA TU PROPIA CIUDAD!

Looking for Wii Games or Wii Info, cheats??

Checkout this new blog specially for the Nintendo Fans and not so fans of the super console nintendo WII on WII4EVERYBODY Post your comments, questions, FAQS, links to cool websites, videos, pictures, what ever you can imagine you will find it. Also dont forget to checkout the Nintendo Store! with special prices Good day!!


I just received an email that made my day! my wife got mad at me because i started to scream of joy, she said that i didnt act like this when she told me she was pregnant lol, well this is the email i just received and i believe that a lot of people already know this: Hello ozl,We are pleased to inform you that is finally back online Your account ('ozl') is back and ready to be used again. If you have problems accessing it, please use the forgotten password page at We hope to see you soon!- The site staff *** You received this email because you registered an account at You won't be receiving another notification from us, no action is needed on your part.

Como bajar de peso en 25 dias

Si alguno de ustedes a buscado este libro de Como bajar de peso en 25 dias, en websites de subastas como mercadolibre . com ya no lo busque mas pues ahi solo te estan vendiendo algo que ni siquiera ellos tienen derecho a vender pues estan violando los derechos de autor, yo se los regalo solo dejen su comentario aqui con su email y se los envio, esto es lo que hacen ellos aunque a peso yo te hago ahorrarte ese peso. saludos gente! aa y si estan interesados en algun otro libro o archivo solo digame y lo buscare para ustedes. Ozl TE PAGAN POR COMPRAR en AMAZON o MERCADO LIBRE? ACA SI! DIVVEE es la manera mas Simple de Ahorrar y Ganar Mucho Dinero. 100% seguro y facil

Make your Windows look Like Mac OS X Leopard

THIS IS AN OUTDATED TUTORIAL AND IT COULD GIVE YOU SOME PROBLEMS WITH XP, BUT IF YOU USE WINDOWS VISTA 32 bit AND 64 bit HERE IS THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU JUST CLICK HERE ! At least you can use some tools to make it look like a Mac OS, here you can get them : Make sure you install Flyakite, and the RK Launcher, i also included a Leopard icon Pack that you will like, there is also (not exactly part of leopard)a Flip 3D window program that gives you the liberty to choose between Flip 3D windows or the Spaces feature that shows your windows separated etc. For the Iphoto effect you can use Picasa 2 , for the icalendar use Mono calendar, and to make your winamp look like an Iphone just look for the skin at or at google, and for a complete Mac OS X Theme you may use the Windowblinds program , look for it on Google, its a trial version so you need to buy it, i got mine in a torrent tracker, so look for it on Google. Edit: i just uploaded another tool to make your windows

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Que es el Bitcoin y como me beneficia? donde comprar Bitcoin

¿Qué es Bitcoin? Bitcoin es el dinero digital utilizado para la transferencia segura e instantánea de valor en cualquier parte del mundo. No es controlado ni emitido por ningún banco o gobierno , sino que es una red abierta que es administrada por sus usuarios. Mucho en como el correo electrónico mejora la comunicación por lo que es rápido y barato, Bitcoin es una mejora en los métodos de pago existentes que no fueron diseñados para la era de Internet. ¿Es el Bitcoin seguro? El protocolo básico de Bitcoin es visible por cualquiera, ha sido examinado por miles de investigadores de seguridad alrededor del mundo y ha demostrado ser robusto y confiable después de un escrutinio inmenso. El uso de bitcoin es similar al uso de otras aplicaciones privadas en Internet, como correo electrónico o banca en línea. Al igual que estos otros servicios web, debe acceder a su bitcoin con una contraseña para asegurarse de que sólo tiene acceso a su dinero. ¿Está ligado al valor del dólar? El

Install Cracked apps on iPhone / iPod Touch 3.0 from Cydia

How to patch MobileInstallation 3.0 Firmware and up to 3.1.3 jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch 1. Go to “Cydia”. 2. Click on “Manage” tab on the bottom. 3. Now click on “Sources” 4. Click on “Edit” and then on “Add”. Type “”  and click on “Add Source”. 5. After installation is completed. Search for “AppSync” in Cydia and install this application. This app will automatically patch your mobileinstallation file. You should be now able to install all of your jailbroken apps on iPhone OS 3.x.x Spanish: Para instalar applicaciones Crackeadas (modificadas) en tu iPhone 3.0 / iPod Touch 3.0 desde Cydia 1. Abre Cydia 2. Ve a Manage  3. click en Sources (fuentes) 4. Click en Edit (editar) luego en Add (añadir). Escribe “ " y da click en Add Source (Añadir fuente)   5. Despues de instalada la fuente, busca AppSync en Cydia e Instala la aplicacion, esta parchara el archivo mobileinstallation dentro de tu iphone o itouch... Saludo

Naka Games NFT para TODOS!

Que es Naka Games?  Naka Games NFT para TODOS! Es una red única en donde se te paga una comisión por ser dueño de un NFT , en un Blockchain real.  Esta red de Inversión puede crecer ya sea por tu propio esfuerzo o por el de los demás.  Imagina ser dueño de un edificio /lote, o un % de un estadio de Fútbol, un % de una linea de Metro (tren), de un Anuncio Espectacular  (Billboard) etc en México, y muchos otros países.. Y que te paguen  por cada vez que alguien lo visita, compra algo en ese lugar, compra un boleto del tren, etc. etc. Y todo esto son #NFTs (que aumentan de valor), todo esto viene pronto este año a NG. Y muchos mas de estos servicios o productos (juegos) de diferentes países! Puedes Elegir en qué participar. Registrate aqui Gratis !   Preguntas? Registrate Gratis y Contactame aqui dale clic  o ve hasta abajo si te interesa aprender mas y ganar! Requisitos para recibir pagos ilimitadamente?  Compra tu NFT, y refiere a 3 que hagan lo mismo.   Se te paga el 50% de comisi