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Que es Instabotz y como funciona? Naka Games

Create your own iPhone Ringtone for Free

What's the ringtone on your phone right now? How do you create them, or do you buy them? Thanks to one of our community members, I wanted to show you the coolest new way to create your ringtones quickly and with ease. Here is an example of one: by — ringtones . Just go to and upload or copy your mp3 link to convert it, select the part you want as the ringtone, download and use it!

Windows Vista Extreme Edition

Would you like to have that old look and feel of windows with customizable Themes and Folder Backgrounds, logins and more? Well here is you answer to it: Get the Fully customizable Windows Vista Extreme Edition as you can see on the screen shots on this link and on this one where you can also download it , you can do what ever you want on Vista with this great modified version. Just go to this link and download the torrent , its faster, and the best of all, its free thanks to Amit For more information on system requirements etc. Go to the official site link Good day!

Checkout NASDAT's album Already Late

NASDAT These guys are a good band that really care about their songs and about sharing them to the people, if you would like to support them go to their sites on this link just click it  or to their myspace site here yo can find their torrent here Have a Good one and enjoy their music! NASDAT Es una Banda de Mexico que ha estado tocando desde hace tiempo en Monterrey y ha grabado discos en Texas, escuchenla a ver que tal les parece, pueden encontrar su sitio aqui solo den click   al igual que su Espacio en MYSPACE aqui  y su torrent del disco Already Late aqui  Apoyen su musica si les gusta y compartanla con sus amigos! Ozl

Is your CPU 64 bit READY?

FIND OUT HERE CLICK THE LINK! or move your mouse cursor over the link to see a preview of the web page! Why doesn't my Windows® PC recognize the whole 4GB of memory I installed? The maximum amount of memory that your system can use is actually limited in two ways — not only is there a maximum amount of memory that your computer motherboard can accept, there is also a maximum amount of memory that your operating system (OS) can accept. For instance, when you install 4GB of memory in a 32-bit Windows system (the most common version; 64-bit systems are typically used only by high-end users), your system will see (and utilize) only 3GB or 3.5GB. Is the problem bad memory? Relax, there isn't a problem with the memory. Windows allows for 4GB of memory to be addressed, but this isn't 100 percent the same as having 4GB of physical memory. What happens is that some of the addressable memory (regardless of how much you have physically installed) is reserved for use by page

What is your Color??

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Thundercats Wallpaper

Thundercats Reflective by Ozl by ~ ozl on deviant ART Well ive been playing with Photoshop CS3 and well i finally managed to get this reflection thing going, i hope you like it! Ozl

Download videos from youtube!

Thanks for visiting Check this out, in order to download a video from youtube and some other sites just go ahead and Download Ares Tube, once you click download in the program it will automatically convert it in a format viewable in windows media player. Ares Tube, has an embedded browser that allows you to save video files from youtube, google video, Blip Tv, Daily Motion and metacafe to local formats (IPOD, MP4, MPEG). Ares Tube optionally will export your videos, to your iTunes plattform. Browse to the video you want to catch and press "Add to download list". When you are ready press 'Download' to process selected files Go to my folder to download the files and other stuff if you like. Good day! Silence! I Kill you! if you dont contribute to the casue J/K Descarga Videos de Youtube, solo dale click al link de arcriba para que instales el programa llamado Ares Tube, este al darle click al boton, descarga y convierte los archivos de Video para que puedas verlos hast

My Mini city needs Industry!

Please help me get my city bigger by clicking here And the Industry in my city needs workers please click here Thank you CREATE YOUR OWN CITY! Favor de darme click aqui para que crezca mi ciudad Haz que crezca la industria en mi ciudad dando click aqui CREA TU PROPIA CIUDAD!

Looking for Wii Games or Wii Info, cheats??

Checkout this new blog specially for the Nintendo Fans and not so fans of the super console nintendo WII on WII4EVERYBODY Post your comments, questions, FAQS, links to cool websites, videos, pictures, what ever you can imagine you will find it. Also dont forget to checkout the Nintendo Store! with special prices Good day!!

Snap shots for you to preview the links before clicking

Introducing Snap Shots from I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site , interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles , MySpace profiles , IMDb profiles and Amazon products , display inline videos , RSS , MP3s , photos , stock charts and more . Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not. Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out. Ozl


This a Screenshot from today on mi vista If you want to learn how to make your Windows Look like vista, just click on the picture. This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.


I just received an email that made my day! my wife got mad at me because i started to scream of joy, she said that i didnt act like this when she told me she was pregnant lol, well this is the email i just received and i believe that a lot of people already know this: Hello ozl,We are pleased to inform you that is finally back online Your account ('ozl') is back and ready to be used again. If you have problems accessing it, please use the forgotten password page at We hope to see you soon!- The site staff *** You received this email because you registered an account at You won't be receiving another notification from us, no action is needed on your part.

Como bajar de peso en 25 dias

Si alguno de ustedes a buscado este libro de Como bajar de peso en 25 dias, en websites de subastas como mercadolibre . com ya no lo busque mas pues ahi solo te estan vendiendo algo que ni siquiera ellos tienen derecho a vender pues estan violando los derechos de autor, yo se los regalo solo dejen su comentario aqui con su email y se los envio, esto es lo que hacen ellos aunque a peso yo te hago ahorrarte ese peso. saludos gente! aa y si estan interesados en algun otro libro o archivo solo digame y lo buscare para ustedes. Ozl TE PAGAN POR COMPRAR en AMAZON o MERCADO LIBRE? ACA SI! DIVVEE es la manera mas Simple de Ahorrar y Ganar Mucho Dinero. 100% seguro y facil

Make your Windows look Like Mac OS X Leopard

THIS IS AN OUTDATED TUTORIAL AND IT COULD GIVE YOU SOME PROBLEMS WITH XP, BUT IF YOU USE WINDOWS VISTA 32 bit AND 64 bit HERE IS THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU JUST CLICK HERE ! At least you can use some tools to make it look like a Mac OS, here you can get them : Make sure you install Flyakite, and the RK Launcher, i also included a Leopard icon Pack that you will like, there is also (not exactly part of leopard)a Flip 3D window program that gives you the liberty to choose between Flip 3D windows or the Spaces feature that shows your windows separated etc. For the Iphoto effect you can use Picasa 2 , for the icalendar use Mono calendar, and to make your winamp look like an Iphone just look for the skin at or at google, and for a complete Mac OS X Theme you may use the Windowblinds program , look for it on Google, its a trial version so you need to buy it, i got mine in a torrent tracker, so look for it on Google. Edit: i just uploaded another tool to make your windows

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Que es el Bitcoin y como me beneficia? donde comprar Bitcoin

¿Qué es Bitcoin? Bitcoin es el dinero digital utilizado para la transferencia segura e instantánea de valor en cualquier parte del mundo. No es controlado ni emitido por ningún banco o gobierno , sino que es una red abierta que es administrada por sus usuarios. Mucho en como el correo electrónico mejora la comunicación por lo que es rápido y barato, Bitcoin es una mejora en los métodos de pago existentes que no fueron diseñados para la era de Internet. ¿Es el Bitcoin seguro? El protocolo básico de Bitcoin es visible por cualquiera, ha sido examinado por miles de investigadores de seguridad alrededor del mundo y ha demostrado ser robusto y confiable después de un escrutinio inmenso. El uso de bitcoin es similar al uso de otras aplicaciones privadas en Internet, como correo electrónico o banca en línea. Al igual que estos otros servicios web, debe acceder a su bitcoin con una contraseña para asegurarse de que sólo tiene acceso a su dinero. ¿Está ligado al valor del dólar? El

Install Cracked apps on iPhone / iPod Touch 3.0 from Cydia

How to patch MobileInstallation 3.0 Firmware and up to 3.1.3 jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch 1. Go to “Cydia”. 2. Click on “Manage” tab on the bottom. 3. Now click on “Sources” 4. Click on “Edit” and then on “Add”. Type “”  and click on “Add Source”. 5. After installation is completed. Search for “AppSync” in Cydia and install this application. This app will automatically patch your mobileinstallation file. You should be now able to install all of your jailbroken apps on iPhone OS 3.x.x Spanish: Para instalar applicaciones Crackeadas (modificadas) en tu iPhone 3.0 / iPod Touch 3.0 desde Cydia 1. Abre Cydia 2. Ve a Manage  3. click en Sources (fuentes) 4. Click en Edit (editar) luego en Add (añadir). Escribe “ " y da click en Add Source (Añadir fuente)   5. Despues de instalada la fuente, busca AppSync en Cydia e Instala la aplicacion, esta parchara el archivo mobileinstallation dentro de tu iphone o itouch... Saludo

Nui International Inversion de Interes Compuesto y mas!

#Tunetworker está de vuelta! con una gran oportunidad de capitalización! Esto es para todos los que les gusta invertir y ganar intereses compuestos con el tiempo. ¡Y también para aquellos que aman crear una Red de personas que se ayudarán mutuamente a ganar más y más rápido!  Les presento a: Nui International (NO DISPONIBLE PARA EE. UU. Pero hay una solución alternativa) * Obtenga Diariamente un Retorno con un promedio de 1% de lunes a viernes. ** Gane una comisión del 10% de sus referencias directas. Obtenga un bono equivalente del 2.5% en el R.D.I de la inversión inicial de sus referencias directas. No se necesita experiencia, el reclutamiento es opcional. Hágase miembro de Nui International hoy. Obtenga devoluciones diarias de lunes a viernes. Cada paquete es válido por * 200 días hábiles O hasta que se obtenga un retorno de la inversión del 400% + La inversión inicial que se devuelve automáticamente SOLO al lograr el 400%. Puedes comprar Paquetes/Contratos cuando t